McDaniel Consulting LLC

About McDaniel Consulting LLC

McDaniel Consulting LLC

McDaniel Consulting, LLC

McDaniel Consulting, LLC, was founded and is managed by George McDaniel, Ph.D., who serves as President after having retired after 25 years as Executive Director of Drayton Hall, a historic site of the National Trust for Historic Preservation in Charleston, SC, and of which he was named Executive Director Emeritus.

McDaniel Consulting is a strategy firm that seeks to help organizations use history to build bridges within itself and to its broader constituents.

About George McDaniel

“For a bridge to be built, it must land securely on both sides.”

“During my career, I’ve learned first hand about the range of issues organizations deal with – leadership, planning, operations, and outreach – and today I continue to use that knowledge to help clients with strategic planning, governance, board and staff development, education, interpretation, visitor services, fundraising, and membership.

“Clients may also draw upon my expertise in historic preservation, environmental conservation, and community engagement, for I was the first person in South Carolina to win leadership awards from the state in historic preservation and environmental conservation, with community engagement and/or bridge-building being a key.

“I have first-hand experience in building relationships between historic sites and museums, which have been predominantly white, with African American communities by developing strategies for preserving and telling a more complete story as a bridge.

“I understand that none of these organizational issues exist alone, but rather constitute an interrelated mix. As a former site director, I appreciate the need to focus, be practical, and get things done. I am willing to work on short or longer-term projects, be a part of a larger team, and help forge partnerships – all according to an organization’s needs, time frame, and budget. For a bridge to be built, it must land securely on both sides – and sometimes that involves risk; as someone who had met such challenges head-on and succeeded, I offer guidance and critical thinking that will will create innovative and workable solutions that will build new opportunities for connecting with audiences.” 

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